
发布日期:2024-07-21 04:30    点击次数:123





今天际刊精讲直播的著作来自《纽约时报》的——A Guilty Verdict for Hunter Biden Weighs on a Worried President Biden





学有所得 2024年卓绝✌

A Guilty Verdict for Hunter Biden Weighs on a Worried President Biden.


重心词汇:verdict n. /ˈvɜːrdɪkt/

a decision that is made by a jury in court, stating if sb is considered guilty of a crime or not(陪审团的)裁定,裁决,裁断

例句:Has the jury reached a verdict ?


例句:The jury returned a verdict (= gave a verdict ) of guilty.


Hunter Biden was waiting for his father on the tarmac. He had just been convicted on three felony gun charges by a jury in Wilmington, Del., his hometown. His father had hastily rearranged his schedule and rushed up from Washington. Within hours of the verdict, President Biden traveled home, disembarked from Marine One and embraced his son. The president hugged Hunter Biden’s son and wife, as well, and bent over to kiss the head of his grandson, Beau Biden.



felony n. /ˈfeləni/

the act of committing a serious crime such as murder or rape ; a crime of this type重罪;重刑罪

• a charge of felony对犯重罪的指控

重心词汇:charge n./tʃɑːrdʒ/

an official claim made by the police that sb has committed a crime指控;控告

• criminal charges刑事指控

• a murder/an assault charge谋杀罪的╱侵略东说念主身罪的指控

To call the relationship between father and son battle tested is an understatement. Together they have survived the deaths of Mr. Biden’s first wife, eldest daughter and eldest son. They have weathered the fallout of crack addiction and alcohol abuse that has plagued Hunter Biden as well as several other members of the family. Over the past three years, they have been targeted by Republicans who have accused them of corruption and financial crimes. But for all of the challenges that have tested them and ultimately brought them closer together, a guilty verdict in a federal courtroom — rendered in the middle of Mr. Biden’s final presidential campaign — is a first.


重心词汇:battle-tested /ˈbætl ˌtestɪd/ adj.

Having experience in battle or having been proven reliable and effective through rigorous testing or difficult situations. 资格过战争测验的;汲取过严格测试或艰巨情况测验的。

例句:The soldiers were battle-tested and ready for any challenge.


例句:The new software is battle-tested and reliable.


重心词汇:understatement n. /ˈʌndərˌsteɪtmənt/

A statement that makes something seem less important, serious, or intense than it actually is. 跑马观花;不充分的述说

例句:Saying that the movie was \"not bad\" is an understatement; it was fantastic.


例句:Calling the storm \"a bit of rain\" is a huge understatement.



